Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sweet lavender dreams

Here is a very short, sweet hint for enhancing your sleep experience:

Buy a bottle of lavender essential oil.

Sprinkle 2-3 drops on your pillowcase 
right before you go to bed.

Turn out the lights, 
lie down under your covers, 
close your eyes, 
and take some deep breaths.

Lavender essential oil is very safe.
Most people can put it directly on their skin
-- without diluting it in a carrier oil --
with no adverse effects.

My daughters and I sometimes massage lavender essential oil into our temples
and along our hairline when we have a migraine.
If you massage lavender essential oil right into your hairline,
it can be a powerful sleep aid, too.


P.S.  Please make sure that you are not allergic to lavender before you try any of this.  It would be good if you determined that you like the scent pretty well, too.  You may not love it at first; as with coffee, the appreciation for lavender often evolves over time.  So don't count it out if you are not in love with it right away.  However, before you slather it on your person or your bed, make sure it isn't a scent that you "can't stand".  A word to the wise.

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