Thursday, February 2, 2012

Valerian as a sleep aid

I am no doctor.

All I know is, I like to browse in the natural health section of grocery stores.  Some women like to shop for shoes.  I like to shop for herbs.  To each her own.

Long ago, one day whilst I was browsing among the herbal remedies, I came across an herb called “Valerian.”  The bottle said, “Natural sleep aid.”

Since I often struggle to fall asleep, I bought it.  Why not? I thought.

It worked. 

It is a most amazing sleep aid, because it doesn’t make you drowsy or sluggish in the morning.  You just fall asleep peacefully and wake up refreshed.

I wondered if I were just imagining the benefits, if it was the placebo effect.  But one of my daughters tried Valerian and experienced results similar to mine.  “Mom!” she said in the morning, “I feel great!  No hazy buzz at all!”  Then I found out that my sister uses Valerian as well.  I think it really works... it’s not just in my head!

You can also drink Valerian tea before bed.  I bought a box of the tea once.  I don’t remember why I only bought it once.  We definitely drank it all up. 

Perhaps I did not buy tea a second time because of my experience with the capsules.  Valerian capsules smell really bad.  Putrid.  Fecal.  Disgusting.  When I take them, I plug my nose and swallow them as fast as I possibly can, with plenty of water.  It is hard to imagine drinking their innards steeped in a tea.

I don’t remember that the tea tasted so bad, though.  I think I would remember that.  Maybe I should go back to Valerian tea.  You do have to think a little farther ahead if you are going to drink tea before bed.  Also, it might make you have to get up and use the bathroom.

I don’t like to use Valerian too often.  I have a feeling I’d build up a resistance to it and then it wouldn’t work so well.  I try to reserve it for when I’m really desperate.  (I don't think you are supposed to use it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or give it to children.)

Have you ever used Valerian?  Do you prefer the capsules or the tea?


  1. We use Melatonin and we all love it. I should say, Libby & I use it. I can't guess what it would take for Steve to need a sleep aid! I don't suffer any grogginess in the morning, other than the usual "slept 6.5 hours when I really need 8" feeling. I may mix it up and use Valerian once in a while to avoid the resistance you speak of. - Amy

    1. I have never tried Melatonin. It kind of freaks me out because it sounds like Melanoma (you know, the lethal skin cancer), and thus I have never purchased a bottle. That, my dear, is just how scientific I am and precisely why you should always second guess anything remotely medical that you read here. If my Valerian ever fails me, perhaps I will try Melatonin, since you seem to have been using it for awhile and (as far as I can tell) you show no signs of skin cancer (my ninja science skills in action again).

    2. More often than not, during our nightime ritual, I'll ask Lib if she's taken her Melanoma. Or sometimes I say Melamomo. Melatonin is awkward on my tongue, I guess.

  2. I think Melatonin sounds like gelatin. Sounds delicious.

  3. I used to work at a chiropractor's office who was very into retail and stocked tons of herbal supplements and organic personal items akin to NatureTyme. Valerian was on the shelf but I never tried it. Somehow as a child I learned how to turn off my thoughts and succumb to sleep. I do occasionally fail as an adult (parent) and I look forward to trying your first post's suggestion when next I do.

  4. I usually use Valerian when I am aching and in pain, and I can tell my body will give me a hard time about going to sleep. It takes about 20-30 minutes for Valerian to kick in, so it isn't the type of thing I'd get up and take after tossing and turning with restless thoughts. The previous post's suggestions are of much more help with that type of thing, for me.

  5. Small bits of content which are explained in details, helps me understand the topic, thank you!
    Valerian tea
