Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sleep and the Spring Equinox

Today marks the day when the daylight hours begin to exceed the dark, night hours in a 24-hour day.

My spirits always begin to rise as soon as we get past the Winter Solstice which is also usually my birthday and right before Christmas.  My spirits rise because at that point, the days begin to lengthen rather than shorten, and that is a very encouraging thought, even though the daylight hours are still short in mid-winter.

Today we mark the beginning of my favorite quarter of the year, the time between the Vernal Equinox and the Summer Solstice.  Today there is equal sunlight and darkness, and after today... after today the darkness will recede while the daylight hours lengthen until we reach that glorious day, the longest day of the year, the Summer Solstice.

I am surprised that there is no major holiday on the Summer Solstice (it's June 20 this year).  Christmas is at the Winter Solstice, Easter is near the Vernal Equinox, and Halloween is (loosely) near the Autumnal Equinox.  All we have around Summer Solstice time is the Fourth of July.  It always seems strange (and wasteful) that on the holiday nearest the Summer Solstice, we wait for the long hours of sunshine to pass so we can shoot off fireworks in the dark.  But whatever.  We have some nice parades and picnics.  I guess God didn't figure we needed much additional cheer on the longest day of the year; just its being what it is is gift enough.

So... I guess it's time to get out of hibernatory mode and start to enjoy the light.  We're good until September 22 when the Autumnal Equinox arrives, after which the days once again begin to be shorter than the nights.

I always feel a little bit panicked between the Summer Solstice and the Autumnal Equinox, as the days are shortening, even though they are still on their long half of the year.

After the Autumnal Equinox until the Winter Solstice, I downright fight depression.  But after many years of this, at least I always know that I will be feeling quite a bit better, even by January 1.

But today, today I bask in the glory of the next three months, the hope, the light, the promise.

And I will need a little less sleep,

and the bright mornings will be sweet,

and the warmth of the sun will soothe my muscles and melt my mouth into a smile.

Use your day well.  Tire yourself in a healthy way during the daylight.  And then sleep at peace.

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